Category: 308
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Aerosol Can Strikes Back at Shooter
Nicholas Mccumber
Feb 27, 2020
#Fail #Weird #Gross #USA #Failure #Hit #Crazy #Shot #Disgusting #Strange #Gun #Guns #Fails #Shoot #Shooting #ViralHog #Nasty #Guys #Failing #AK #Bleed #Blood #Can #Odd #Smack #Failed #Bleeding #Aerosol #Smacked #308 #Pressure #2019 #Pressurized #Assault Rifle
Alexa, What’s 10 to the Power of 308?
Zhuang Ye
May 01, 2018
#Humor #Cool #Featured #USA #Trending #Funny #Humour #Power #10 #Smart #ViralHog #Amazon #Question #Math #Alexa #2018 #Echo #308
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