Category: 83
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Cow Moose Using Sprinkler to Cool off on Hot Day
Laurie Speakman
Aug 01, 2022
#Humor #Cool #Weather #Stunts #Cute #USA #Funny #Humour #Adorable #Water #Hilarious #In #Nature #Cow #Cows #Feel Good #Awesome #Sweet #House #Wet #Spray #Standing #Hot #Alaska #ViralHog #Off #Spraying #Wild Animals #Lawn #Sprinkler #Humorous #Moose #Sprayed #Neat #Hose #Stand #Still #Suburbs #Soldotna #Humourous #Cooling #Degrees #Hot Day #Cow Moose #83 #Sprinkler Head
What Not to do When Cliff Diving at 83 Feet
Rachel Dukich
Jul 08, 2017
#Fail #News #Adventure #USA #Falls #Woman #Jump #Water #Splash #Girl #Cliff #Fails #Attempt #ViralHog #Lake #2017 #Diving #Belly #Flop #Dives #Attempted #Young #Dive #Failed #Attempts #Mid Air #83 Feet #Splat #Belly Flop #Flail #What Not To Do When Cliff Diving At 83 Feet.
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