Category: ABC
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Vietnamese Hotel Employee Tries to Make Australian Guest Feel at Home
Kalliopi Mentis
Feb 12, 2024
#Humor #Cute #Australia #Funny #Woman #Humour #Hilarious #Tourists #Silly #Tourist #Tourism #Travel #Hotel #Humorous #Viral #Vacation #Australian #English #Traveling #Staff #ABC #Vietnam #Hanoi #Vietnamese #Humourous #Tiktok #Vlog #Customer Service #Kalliopimentis #Hospitality
Kid Tries Teaching Google Home
Mildred Humphries
Jan 19, 2019
#Fail #Humor #Kids #Cute #Canada #Trending #Boy #Funny #Home #Feel Good #Kitchen #Talks #Family #ViralHog #Parent #Talking #Google #Christmas #Teaching #Newfoundland #Teach #Talk #Copy #Heartwarming #Gander #Conversation #Present #ABC #Teaches #2019 #Abc's
Female Trump Supporter Pepper Sprayed By Berkeley Rioter During TV Interview
Feb 03, 2017
#Fail #News #Pranks #Featured #California #USA #Trending #Prank #Woman #Lady #Attack #Attacks #Protest #Mace #Trump #Supporter #Pepper Spray #Free Speech #LIVE #Tv #Female #Protests #Television #Speech #Reporter #Berkeley #Uc #Uc Berkeley #Milo Yiannopoulos #Interview #Interviews #Trump Supporter #Milo #Live Tv #Live Television #ABC #University Of California #University Of California Berkeley #Campus #Protester #Speeches
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