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Lady on Plane is Upset Sitting Beside Trump Supporter
Scott E. Koteskey
Sep 28, 2018
#News #USA #Plane #Airplane #Man #Woman #Lady #Crazy #Angry #Mad #ViralHog #Trump #Politics #President #Political #Airplanes #Republican #Democrat #Baltimore #2018 #Libral
Woman Refuses to Sit Next to Trump Supporter on Plane
Carlyn Crawford
Jan 23, 2017
#News #Fights #Police #Featured #USA #Plane #Planes #Pilot #Fight #Airplane #Flying #Woman #Lady #Fighting #Angry #Rude #Flight #Mad #Trump #Politics #President #Presidential #Election #Security #2017 #Escort #Sits #Sitting #Passenger #Argue #Jet #Jets #Airplanes #Arguing #Washington #Passengers #Anger #Sit #Flights #Airlines #Pilots #Argues #Airline #Republican #Democrat #Flight Attendant #Potus #Inauguration #Dc #White House #Obama #Seattle #Baltimore #Escorted #Newsworthy #Seatac
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