Category: Galloway
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Blind and Deaf Dog Knows His Collar Means It's Time For a Walk
Carolyn DiPietro
Jun 24, 2024
#Dogs #Cute #USA #Guy #Man #Dog #Walking #Blind #Adorable #Pet #Walk #Walks #Leash #Feel Good #Happy #Sweet #Pup #New Jersey #Guys #Bulldog #Deaf #English #Aww #Pitbull #Heartwarming #Excited #Doggy #Collar #Doggo #Precious #Domesticated Animals #Galloway #Walkies
When You Itch That Sweet Spot
Nicola Chapman
Jan 21, 2024
#Animals #Humor #Cute #Funny #Animal #Humour #Adorable #UK #Hilarious #Cow #Cows #Farm #Feel Good #Rear #Sweet #Wheel #Clean #Cattle #Livestock #United Kingdom #Farm Life #Butt #Humorous #Itch #Rub #Rubbing #Rubs #Norfolk #Itches #Itching #Itchy #Humourous #Wholesome #Domesticated Animals #Rump #St. Peter #Belted Galloway #Belties
Crab Molts From Its Shell
Robert English
Aug 02, 2023
#Cool #Weird #Gross #Crab #Crabs #Sea Creature #USA #Disgusting #Sea #Ocean #Strange #Awesome #Nasty #Bizarre #New Jersey #Neat #Oceans #Odd #Shell #Fresh #Ocean Life #Sea Life #Shells #Crab Shell #Seas #Molting #Molts #Molt #Refreshing #Refreshed #Freshly #Molted #Shellfish #Galloway #Shelled #Looking Fresh
Irish Setter Captivated by Birds
Susan Maher
Oct 26, 2022
#Animals #Dogs #Cute #Flies #Fly #Flying #Dog #Animal #Adorable #Pet #Pets #Birds #Feel Good #Happy #Sweet #Bird #Pup #Watching #Outdoors #Joy #Wild Animals #Watches #Watch #Excited #Doggy #Watched #Doggo #Joyful #Captivates #Captivated #Domesticated Animals #Galloway #Captivate #Irish Setter
Storm Gives Wife a Good Scare
Caitlin Cunningham
Jun 15, 2021
#Humor #Weather #USA #Funny #Humour #Storm #Yelling #Hilarious #Yell #Yells #Scream #Screaming #Screams #Scared #Stormy #Scare #Scares #Storms #Scary #New Jersey #Humorous #Lightning #Thunder #Screamed #Clap #Doorbell #Yelled #Humourous #Galloway
Corgi Can't Quite Make the Climb
Kalie Hendricks
Jun 03, 2020
#Dogs #Humor #Cute #USA #Short #Funny #Dog #Humour #Bath #Adorable #Pet #Pets #Hilarious #Feel Good #Sweet #Tub #ViralHog #Pup #Tries #Humorous #Trying #Corgi #Tried #Try #Ohio #Doggy #Doggo #Humourous #2019 #Domesticated Animals #Galloway
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