Category: Puerto Plata
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Cool Cat in the Water
Michael Almonte
Sep 11, 2023
#Animals #Cats #Humor #Cool #Weird #Funny #Cat #Kitty #Kitties #Humour #Swim #Swimming #Water #Hilarious #Chill #Chills #Strange #Awesome #Swims #Feline #Bizarre #Dominican Republic #Chilling #Relaxing #Humorous #Felines #Neat #Sunglasses #Odd #Relax #Relaxed #Relaxes #Wearing #Wear #Wears #Chilled #Humourous #Relaxation #Domesticated Animals #Black And White Cat #2023 #Puerto Plata #Ipatitas
Cat Goes For a Swim
Michael Almonte
Aug 08, 2023
#Animals #Cats #Cool #Weird #Cat #Kitty #Kitties #Swim #Swimming #Water #Pet #Pets #Strange #Awesome #Swims #Wet #Feline #Bizarre #Dominican Republic #Petting #Felines #Neat #Odd #Black And White #Domesticated Animals #Tuxedo Cat #Black And White Cat #2023 #Puerto Plata #Ipatitas
Rescuing a Hummingbird
Michael Almonte
May 10, 2023
#Animals #Save #Saving #Saves #Birds #Rescue #Rescues #Rescued #Saved #Bird #Rescuing #Dominican Republic #Wild Animals #Hummingbird #Emergency #Bird Rescue #Rescuer #Humming #Hummingbirds #Rescuers #Rescuing Rescued #Humming Bird #Hummingbird Feeder #Baby Hummingbird #Baby Hummingbirds #Puerto Plata
Cat Goes for a Swim at the Beach
Michael Almonte
Apr 20, 2023
#Animals #Cats #Dogs #Cool #Weird #Beach #Dog #Cat #Kitty #Kitties #Swim #Swimming #Water #Pet #Pets #Strange #Awesome #Swims #Beaches #Pup #Feline #Bizarre #Dominican Republic #Felines #Boston #Neat #Odd #Doggy #Doggo #Black And White #Domesticated Animals #Boston Terrier #Black And White Cat #2023 #Puerto Plata
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