Category: Suwanee
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FedEx Worker Going the Extra Mile on Trash Day
Mikail Farrar
Jun 05, 2020
#Cool #Cars #USA #Car #Driving #Help #Drive #Feel Good #Family #Awesome #Happy #Kind #Amazing #Drove #Trash #Days #ViralHog #Fedex #Guys #Day #Georgia #Neat #Nice #Chore #Chores #Helpful #Mile #2020 #Extra #Suwanee #Trash Day
Driver Delivers Thirsty Turtle to Water
Mikail Farrar
Jun 05, 2020
#Animals #Cool #Weird #Reptiles #Trucks #Cute #USA #Road #Driving #Driver #Truck #Save #Saving #Saves #Drives #Delivery #Animal #Adorable #Water #Nature #Feel Good #Rescue #Rescues #Rescued #Strange #Awesome #Sweet #Turtle #Rescuing #Hot #ViralHog #Bizarre #Lake #Wild Animals #Georgia #Neat #Odd #Heat #Delivers #Deliver #Rescuer #Dry #Thirsty #Rescuers #2020 #Suwanee
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