Category: Tauranga
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Mouse Makes Men Panic
Kieran Edgecombe
Sep 04, 2024
#Fail #Humor #Failure #Funny #Humour #Catch #Hilarious #Catches #Scared #Fails #Silly #Basket #Rat #Rats #Mice #Mouse #Fear #New Zealand #Critter #Failing #Humorous #Catching #English #Rodent #Failed #NSFW – Language #Pest #Rodents #Bedroom #Humourous #Golf Club #Laundry Basket #Tauranga
Persistent Labrador Wants to Play Fetch
Alice Houghton
Dec 04, 2023
#Animals #Dogs #Humor #Cute #Play #Playing #Plays #Funny #Dog #Humour #Fetch #Adorable #Pet #Pets #Hilarious #Feel Good #Sweet #Drop #Pup #Reading #New Zealand #Fetches #Humorous #Playful #Read #Reads #Book #Labrador #Drops #Played #Playtime #Persistent #Doggy #Tennis Ball #Dropping #Labrador Retriever #Doggo #Dropped #Yellow Lab #Humourous #Persist #Persistence #Domesticated Animals #Fetched #Persistant #Persistance #Tennis Balls #Persists #Persisting #2022 #Tauranga #Yellow Labrador
Big Pothole Flattens a Ton of Car Tires on State Highway
Nicholas Stevens
Oct 17, 2022
#Cool #Weird #News #Crash #Weather #Police #Crashes #Accident #Driving #Tire #Big #Taking #Storm #Rain #Hit #Wreck #Wrecks #Burst #Crashed #Cop #Drive #Strange #Awesome #Cops #Drove #Take #Crashing #Rainy #Stormy #Raining #ViralHog #Huge #30 #Off #Bizarre #Storms #New Zealand #Highways #Side #Wrecking #Hitting #Rains #Neat #Odd #Tires #Large #Pothole #Potholes #Took #40 #Bursted #Flatten #Flattening #2022 #Tauranga #State Highway #Side Of The Road #Side Road
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