Category: Australis
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Praying Mantis Catches Bees
Ocean Wemyss
Nov 06, 2023
#Weird #Insects #Australia #Bug #Bugs #Catch #Caught #Nature #Hunting #Hunter #Bee #Bees #Eat #Eating #Eats #Insect #Strange #Catches #Wildlife #Bizarre #Hunt #Hunts #Wild Animals #Brisbane #Odd #Catching #Mantis #Praying Mantis #2023 #Australian Native Stingless Bee #Austroplebeia Australis #Urban Native Bees
Stunning Sight from the Southern Sky and Sea
Tim Grimsey
Nov 06, 2019
#Cool #Australia #Nature #Awesome #Aurora #Timelapse #Photography #Gorgeous #Beautiful #Astronomy #Southern #Tasmania #2019 #Bioluminescence #Australis #Hemisphere
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