Category: Childbirth
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How The Cervix Dilates During Birth Represented in Clay
Jennifer Recotta
Mar 04, 2023
#Cool #Weird #USA #Woman #Body #Strange #Awesome #Women #Bizarre #Educational #Birth #Birthing #Neat #Odd #Pot #Virginia #Woman's #Education #Pots #Births #Clay #Clays #Potter #Womb #Wombs #Educate #Educates #Educating #Childbirth #Birthed #Anatomy #Pottery #Educators #Educator #Birth Control #Strasburg #Cervix
Witnessing Childbirth for the First Time
Donna McElvany
May 16, 2019
#Cool #Kids #USA #Kid #Child #Woman #Lady #Baby #Feel Good #Family #Girl #Happy #Sees #Seeing #Scared #ViralHog #Babies #Teen #Reaction #Joy #Birth #Emotional #Missouri #Hospital #Emotion #Witness #Excited #Teenager #Intense #Joyful #Emotions #Witnesses #Childbirth #2019 #Witnessing
Dad Can't Handle the Miracle of Life
Carrie Fontana
Dec 19, 2018
#Humor #Featured #USA #Son #Trending #Dad #Child #Funny #Delivery #Humour #Father #Family #ViralHog #Parent #Parenting #Reaction #Guys #Birth #Dude #Gag #Hospital #Labor #Disgusted #Gags #2018 #Childbirth
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