Category: Cormorants
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Rescuing and Reviving a Cormorant
Manuel Jesus Ruiz Cruzado
Jan 19, 2023
#Save #Saving #Saves #Helps #Stuck #Rescue #Rescues #Rescued #Saved #Remove #Bird #Release #Trapped #Spain #Rescuing #Released #Freeing #Free #Trap #Emergency #Litter #Assist #Plastic #Traps #Freed #Litters #Rescuer #Frees #Removing #Assistance #Helped #Assists #Littering #Plastic Bag #Assisting #Rescuers #Assisted #Cormorant #Assistant #Cormorants #Huelva
Dachshund and Cormorant Bird Have a Standoff
Anchia Harmse
Nov 17, 2021
#Animals #Dogs #Beach #Dog #Pet #Birds #Bird #South Africa #Beaches #Pup #Wild Animals #Standoff #Doggy #Dachshund #Dachsund #Doggo #Dachshunds #2019 #Cormorant #Domesticated Animals #Miniature Dachshund #Cormorants #Dwarskersbos
Zoologist Rescues Hooked Cormorant
Matthew Staniek
Oct 29, 2021
#Save #Saving #Saves #UK #Birds #Rescue #Rescues #Rescued #Fishing #Saved #Bird #Rescuing #ViralHog #Wild Animals #Credit #Hook #Hooks #Fishing Line #Rescuer #Fishing Hook #Hooked #Rescuers #Cormorant #Cumbria #2021 #Credited #Zoologist #Zoologists #Cormorants #Ambleside #Lake District
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