Category: Devastate
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California Town Reduced to Rubble After Devastating Fire
Aug 24, 2021
#News #California #USA #Fire #Nature #Fires #Wildfire #ViralHog #Town #Devastating #Wildfires #Forest Fires #Devastation #Rubble #Dixie #Devastated #Devastate #Devastates #2021 #Greeneville #Dixie Fire
Holy Fire Disaster Leads to Devastating Flash Flooding
Candance A. Lace
Jan 22, 2019
#Weather #USA #Water #Flood #Flooding #River #Destroy #Destroying #Flash #Flooded #ViralHog #Destruction #Floods #Aftermath #Devastating #Rush #Stream #Debris #Destroyed #Creek #Flow #Flowing #Flows #Rushing #Flowed #Rushes #Rushed #2019 #Devastated #Devastate #Devastates
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