Category: Fire
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Jet powered Porta-Potty
Rick Tilley
Oct 13, 2014
#Humor #Fire #Funny #Humour #Hilarious #Fires #Speed #Speeding #Engine #Porta #Toilet #Humorous #Jet #Jets #Runway #Engines #Speeds #Rocket #High Speed #Speedy #Rockets #Engine Fire #Porta-john #Full Speed #Porta Potty #Portapotty #Portapotties #Humourous #Porta-potty #Ignition Engine #Jet Engine #Rocketing #Rocketed
Chopper Pilot Almost Bites The Dust After Hitting Power Lines
Andrew D Vorster
Aug 25, 2014
#Plane #Air #Fly #Flying #Fire #Hit #Hits #Power #Lines #Electric #Electricity #Couple #Close #Call #Near #Miss #Danger #Sky #Hitting #Helicopter #Shock #Flew #Electrocute #Heli #Choppper
Trucker Rescues Family After Crash and Explosion on Interstate 10
Aug 18, 2014
#Crash #Dashcam #Accident #Car #Truck #Fire #Child #Wreck #Flames #Highway #Baby #Explosion #Rescue #Rescues #Extreme #Rescuing #Mississippi #Interstate #Aftermath #Trucker #Fire Extinguisher #Infant
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