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Mother Recaps Car Getting Shot at by Gang Members
Zuniga McGee
Sep 23, 2021
#News #Stunts #Cars #Kids #Red #Car #Vehicle #Kid #Child #Running #Crazy #Shot #Run #Children #Family #Light #Crying #Cry #Sad #Scared #Ran #Shoot #Shooting #ViralHog #LIVE #Video #Gang #AK #SUV #Videos #Away #Bullet #Gangs #Facebook #Kiddo #Kiddos #Ptsd #Shot Up #Recap #Shreveport #2021 #Shot At #Gang Violence #Bullet Holes #Not Safe #Summary #Recapping #Sniffle
Snake Surprises Live Streamer by Slithering Out of Shoe
Jul 16, 2021
#Humor #Air #Thailand #Funny #Humour #Hilarious #Snakes #Snake #Hand #Surprise #ViralHog #LIVE #Slithering #Wild Animals #Humorous #Shoe #Surprising #Shoes #Streamer #Stream #Surprises #Facebook #Slither #Slithers #Surprised #Surat Thani #Slithered #Streaming #Second #Jordan #Humourous #2021 #Live-streamer #Snake Surprises Live Streamer By Slithering Out Of #Live Streamer #Air Jordan #Second Hand #Second-hand
Son Shocked at Mom's Lies
Leslie Fort
Aug 16, 2020
#Humor #Pranks #Kids #USA #Son #Kid #Child #Funny #Humour #Hilarious #Children #Family #Exercise #Kentucky #Mom #ViralHog #LIVE #Humorous #Facebook #Shocked #Mom's #Humourous #2020 #Hopkinsville
Little Girl Found by Gilan Springs Rd Near City of Hemet
Edward George
May 18, 2017
#Kids #California #Lost #Driver #Truck #Kid #Little #Highway #Found #Girl #Hand #Freeway #Dessert #Hold #Parents #LIVE #2017 #Hemet #Looking #Nowhere #Middle #Mexican #Spanish #Facebook #NSFW – Language #Finds #Holding #Roadway #Mija #Wondering #Streamed
Woman Finds Car Thief and Delivers Street Justice
Jasmine Jackson
Jan 24, 2017
#Win #Humor #News #Crime #Cars #Fights #Police #USA #Car #Fight #Vehicle #Funny #Vehicles #Cops #Automobiles #Thief #Automobile #Officers #Stolen #Steal #Steals #Arrest #Criminal #Theft #Arkansas #Facebook #Tackle #Tackles #Police Officers #Motor Vehicle Theft #Live Facebook Live #Citizens Arrest #Citizen Arrest #Little Rock
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