Category: Purchased
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Money Well Spent
Courtney Snailum
Oct 16, 2023
#Animals #Dogs #Humor #Cute #USA #Funny #Dog #Woman #Animal #Humour #Adorable #Pet #Pets #Hilarious #Feel Good #Bed #New #Sweet #Sleep #Sleeping #Silly #Sleeps #Pup #Joke #Jokes #Humorous #English #Tired #Goofy #Frustrated #Doggy #Joking #Beds #Bedroom #Doggo #Frustration #Humourous #Purchase #Purchased #Domesticated Animals #Sarcasm #Sarcastic #Dog Bed
The Greatest Trade Deal In The History Of Trade Deals
Morgan Tucker
Apr 11, 2023
#Humor #USA #Funny #Humour #Hilarious #Home #Eat #Eating #Eats #Food #Hungry #Ate #House #Dinner #Humorous #Freeing #Snack #Free #Idaho #Bought #Buys #Purchases #Taco #Snacks #Buy #Meal #Freed #Homes #Houses #Frees #Buying #Munching #Tacos #Munch #Munches #Humourous #Purchasing #Purchase #Purchased #Coeur D’Alene
Upset Taxi Driver
Kayla Mcneil
Jan 26, 2023
#Fail #Weird #Near Miss #Cars #Road Rage #Featured #Car #Traffic #Taxi #Failure #Canada #Punch #Punches #Hit #Yelling #Hits #Crazy #Angry #Yell #Yells #Close Call #Strange #Scream #Screaming #Screams #Fails #Mad #Pissed #ViralHog #Store #Shopping #Bizarre #Partner #Shop #Annoying #Bro #Failing #Punching #Hitting #Odd #Ontario #Screamed #Purchases #Failed #Handicapped #Handicap #Stores #Frustrated #NSFW – Language #Toronto #Confused #Punched #Partners #Expression #Annoyed #Confusion #Purchasing #Purchase #Purchased #2023 #Frazzle #Frazzled
Woman Claims iPad Bought at Target Was Actually Cement Tile
Nida Akuly
Dec 22, 2022
#Fail #Weird #News #USA #Failure #Texas #Strange #Package #Packages #Apple #Fails #Store #Bizarre #Failing #Odd #Ipad #Purchases #Target #Failed #Cement #Tile #IPads #Tiktok #Purchasing #Purchase #Purchased #Packaging #TikToks #Allen #2022
Kindhearted Officer Purchases Basketball Hoop for Neighborhood Children
Brian Santiago
Apr 26, 2021
#Cool #Kids #Police #USA #Kid #Play #Playing #Plays #Sports #Cop #Neighborhood #Feel Good #Ball #Children #Awesome #Officer #Cops #Basket #Basketball #Hoop #Hoops #Balls #ViralHog #Officers #Neat #Kindness #Bought #Buys #Purchases #Buy #Played #Youth #Charity #Kiddo #Buying #Install #Kiddos #Installs #Installing #Youths #Purchasing #Purchase #Purchased #Installed #2021
Family Finds Tons of Plastic in Purchased Chicken
Briana Denise Aguilar
Mar 13, 2019
#Gross #California #USA #Disgusting #Lot #Chicken #Ground #ViralHog #Bought #Buys #Plastic #Buy #Buying #Lots #Hazardous #Unhealthy #Tons #2019 #Purchase #Contain #Purchased #Contains #Containing #Ton
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