Category: Smug
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Montana Gets Cold and Windy
Jaime Chapman
Dec 13, 2022
#Humor #Weather #USA #Wind #Funny #Humour #Yelling #Hilarious #Yell #Yells #Winds #Windy #Ranch #Winter #Cold #Humorous #Freezing #Snowy #Snowing #Montana #NSFW – Language #Snows #Snow Drift #Snowed #Smug #Yelled #Humourous #Bitter #Sarcasm #Sarcastic #Heavy Wind #Montanan
Husky Steals Owner's Package
Jake Gracey
May 16, 2022
#Animals #Dogs #Humor #USA #Funny #Dog #Humour #Pet #Pets #Hilarious #Package #Packages #Pup #Stolen #Husky #Huskies #Steal #Stealing #Steals #Humorous #Iowa #Frustrated #NSFW – Language #Doggy #Siberian Husky #Doggo #Frustrating #Smug #Frustration #Humourous #Frustrate #Delivery Driver #Delivery Drivers #2022 #Exasperated #Exasperation
The Bone Collector
Natalie Mavi
May 16, 2017
#Dogs #Humor #Teeth #Dog #Humour #Pet #Pets #Growl #Bone #Takes #Growls #Shows #Brother #Stolen #Steal #2017 #Steals #Gives #Argue #Stole #Arguing #Looking #Keep #Look #Growling #Rottweiler #Gave #Smug #Took #Keeps
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