Category: Vault
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And the Award for the Best Recovery Goes To...
Jadene Littlejohn
Jan 21, 2024
#Humor #Security Camera #Drunk #Fall #Falls #Guy #Man #Funny #Humour #Crazy #Hilarious #CCTV #Falling #Men #Restaurant #Chair #Fell #Guys #Humorous #Sits #Sitting #Vacation #Table #Bar #Sit #Spanish #Server #Stumble #Stumbling #Stumbles #Clumsy #Smooth #Humourous #Commotion #Canary Islands #The Vault Bar #The Vault
Goat Gambols Over the Gate
Laura Mangum
Jan 18, 2023
#Humor #Adventure #Stunts #USA #Hops #Funny #Humour #Jump #Jumps #Texas #Jumping #Hilarious #Hop #Jumped #Leaped #Goat #Goats #Hopping #Performer #Performance #Gate #Stunt #Humorous #Performing #Gates #Jumper #Leaps #Leap #Leaping #Leapt #Hopped #Performed #Humourous #Vault #Vaulting #Vaults #Vaulted #Redwater
Pole Vault Attempt Leads to Unexpected Snap
Hendrik Van Wyk
May 10, 2021
#Sports #Crazy #Run #Carries #Pole #Carry #Carrying #South Africa #ViralHog #Record #Guys #Snaps #Snapping #Carried #Snap #Height #Snapped #Vault #Vaulting #2021 #Vaults #Vaulted #Potchefstroom
Gymnastics Coach Prevents an Injury
Justine Ramos
Feb 27, 2020
#Win #Cool #Near Miss #Stunts #Kids #USA #Kid #Child #Catch #Caught #Running #Sports #Crazy #Run #Children #Family #Close Call #ViralHog #Performance #Guys #Stunt #Daughter #Coach #Gym #Prevent #Catching #Gymnastics #Preventing #2020 #Vault #Vaulting #Gymnastic #Coaching
Pole Sent Soaring
Emmanouil Karalis
Sep 25, 2019
#Fail #Flies #Fly #Flying #Track #Sports #Crazy #Pole #ViralHog #Scary #Sport #Field #Ouch #Oops #Painful #Athlete #Vault #Vaulting
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