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Sudden Tornado in California

Occurred on May 4, 2023 / Carson, California, USA

Info from Licensor: "Regular Thursday work morning in Carson, when suddenly it sounded like a loud boom and then winds were picking up. Little did we know, I and the other 3 co-workers that were outside, suddenly were caught in a little wind. Luckily we were by our work containers and were able to take cover. We felt little objects falling and hitting us as we saw pieces of a little bit of everything flying in the skies. And then the roof of our next-door neighbor's flew off. In the video, it comes out in a 3-second frame. Absolutely insane, unlike Cali weather for sure. Luckily nobody was injured just minor hits from rocks."

Location Carson, California, USA
Occurred not known
Posted By Ricardo Castaneda
Posted On May-5-2023
