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Bear Climbs All Over Car Looking for a Snack
Posted by:
Tanya Abramenko
Occurred on September 13, 2021 / Silver Star Mountain, British Columbia, Canada Info from Licensor: "When entering my vehicle one September morning I noticed a smudged paw print on my front window. I chalked it up to a raccoon or something and didn't think much of it seeing as we live at a mountain ski resort. Later that day we heard that a bear was spotted right in the back of someone's pick-up truck rummaging around for garbage at 3:00 am. We decided to check our security camera to see if we could see the bear walking through the parking lot. What we discovered was both amusing & unexpected. Luckily there was no damage, just a great story. My husband Brent and I are education assistants for our local school district in Vernon, British Columbia. We are temporarily living on our local ski hill Silver Star mountain resort."
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Made Live On:
Sep 21, 2021
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