Dog Makes Funny Face In Crate
Posted by:
Blu Xenethos
Occurred on June 4, 2024 / Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA Info from Licensor: "I came in the room and found Bear like this in his crate, eyes darting around like I'M the weirdo for laughing at him. He is such a goofy boy. We adopted Bear in February of 2024. He is only 18 months old. He has seizures without his medication and has bad hips and knees. He recently had double knee surgery and is currently recovering. Bear has a glorious underbite and his tongue and bottom teeth are usually peeking out. He's really sweet, but he's not super bright and has poor impulse control. He busted our doggie door off the hinges when we first got him. He has a grudge against the ice dispenser and roars around the kitchen when we use it. He's our toddler baby and we love him so much."
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